Earth Day 2022: How to Celebrate

April 18, 2022

April 22, 2022, marks the 52nd Earth Day observance. ZeroWater celebrates Earth Day as an important reminder to help bring change to our environment, especially around the water crisis facing many families, communities, and countries. In this blog, we’ll explore the origins of Earth Day, its importance in modern society, and bring to light the fact that this year’s theme is Invest in our Planet. Invest In Our Planet is focused on accelerating solutions to combat our greatest threat, climate change, and to activate everyone – governments, citizens, and businesses – to do their part. "Everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable."


In 2022, there are myriad environmental issues that many people are oblivious to or neglectful of, such as water pollution, water scarcity, global warming, deforestation, and rapid ice melting. Natural causes like tropical storms, volcano eruptions, and forest fires constantly create environmental shifts, which can be exasperated by the aforementioned climate crises. As modern society has added to the amount of vehicle exhaust, littering, and wasteful industrialization, Earth’s environmental issues have only compounded. 

Throughout its history, the primary goal of Earth Day is to bring awareness about our environment as we know it.  This national event provides a platform for environmental issues and offers resources and tools for people to help save our planet and make a change. 

This is the moment to change it all — the business climate, the political climate, and how we take action on climate. Now is the time for the unstoppable courage to preserve and protect our health, our families, our livelihoods together, we must Invest In Our PlanetBecause a green future is a prosperous future. 



As individuals, we have the simple yet effective power to make our voices heard through our choices, our civic actions, and our personal interactions. What each of us does, and how we do it, has a huge ripple effect on our ecosystems, and on the pace of action. Here are a few ways that you can help!

1. Find local events

On the holiday itself, and throughout the year, many different organizations, non-profits, and meetup groups hold events to engage the community on Earth Day by encouraging environmental action. Gardening in your local area or picking up trash on the highway are the types of tasks the sponsoring organization will have. 

2. Picking up trash

Although there are community events for locals, you can go out on your own time and pick up trash around your neighborhood or start using reusable water bottles instead of single-use water bottles. If you’re interested in a community trash cleanup project, check out Litterati. Little lifestyle adjustments like this can go a long way if we do it together as a world community.

3. Committing to Reusable Shopping Bags

Rather than waste more plastic on single-use shopping bags, commit to using reusable shopping bags when you go to the grocery store. They are easy to store in your car, and depending on your state, can save you money for each bag you save!

4. Choose Energy-Efficient Appliances

Audit what light bulbs you’re using, and see if an LED solution, or one with similar environmental consciousness, can help eliminate unnecessary energy waste.

5. Recycle

Separate your trash from your cycling, and be knowledgeable about what can be recycled, and what conditions things need to be recycled in.

6. Get knowledgeable

Educate yourself on environmental issues or block out time to watch documentaries about the Earth to understand the problems our planet is facing. There are many streamable documentaries on platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video.


Water misuse and wasteful consumption of water are environmental crises that are close to our hearts, and issues that we can’t help but remind our audience of as Earth Day approaches. Our core mission is to create water filters so customers across the nation can have access to clean water at home, at the office, and anywhere in between. A vast number of people don’t have access to water at all. To go more in-depth about water, read these 4 facts, some may be alarming:

icon 2 million tons of discarded water bottles are overflowing in our nation’s landfills icon Freshwater accounts for only 3% of the world’s water icon The ocean will contain more plastic by weight than fish by 2050 icon One million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute


One of the easiest ways for anyone to adjust their lifestyle to be more water-conscious is by choosing refillable water bottles over single-use plastic. According to the 2021 World Water Day Cross Country Report, in North America, Australia, and the broader Europe, Mediterranean, and East Asian continents, single-use plastic bottles were the primary use of water consumption away from home.

Ultimately, this amounts to around 15% - 50% of all water consumption between these countries, which are having dire ramifications on our ecosystem. If we further isolate the reporting to water consumption away from home, an alarming average of 57.5% of that consumption is done through a single-use plastic bottle, compared to 30.6% done through water filtration pitchers (i.e. reusable water bottles).

ZeroWater prides itself as being an agent of change by providing a reliable and accessible way for water consumers to refill reusable water bottles with delicious tasting water from our ZeroWater pitchers. With our filters, our customers should feel great about topping off their reusable water bottle with delicious tasting filtered water, as opposed to grabbing a single-use plastic bottle on their way out the door.
 earth day 2021

ZeroWater is happy to celebrate another Earth Day and wants to reinforce that it is time to Invest In Our Planet! While our primary focus is on healthy, sustainable, and eco-friendly water consumption, we endorse the broader work of the Earth Day Organization for its efforts in combating the various issues facing our environment and planet. We encourage everyone to do their part, and that can start with simply buying a reusable water bottle, and a reliable water pitcher, and eliminating single-use plastic from your routine.

Try our best-selling 12 Cup 5-stage Water Filter Pitcher  with Ready-Pour™ technology so you can always have the purest tasting water at hand. The 5-stage filtration system removes virtually all total dissolved solids (TDS) from your tap water - more than any other leading brand. One filter is the equivalent of 150 single-use plastic water bottles!